IDIL partner laboratories and establishments
List of our partner laboratories (A to Z)
- AGAP Institute - Genetic Improvement and Adaptation of Mediterranean and Tropical Plants
- ASTRE - Animal, Health, Territories, Risks and Ecosystems
- BC2M - Biocommunication in Cardiometabolics
- BCM - BioCampus Montpellier
- CaFéDivas - Female Characteristics of Vascular Interface Dysfunctions
- CBGP - Center for Population Biology and Management
- CBS - Structural Biochemistry Center
- CRBM - Montpellier Cell Biology Research Center
- CEFE - Center for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology
- CEMIPAI - Center for the study of infectious diseases and anti-infectious pharmacology
- CEPEL - Center d'Études Politiques Et Sociales : Environment, Health, Territories
- CREAM - Montpellier Center for Research and Administrative Studies
- DD - Dynamiques du droit
- DGIMI - Diversity, Genomes, Microorganism-Insect Interactions
- DIADE - Plant Diversity, Adaptation and Development
- UMR DMEM - Muscle Dynamics and Metabolism
- Eco&Sols - Functional ecology and biogeochemistry of soils and agrosystems
- Embryo Pluripotency - Human Early Embryonic Development and Pluripotency
- ESPACE-DEV - Space observation, models and involved science
- EUROMOV DHM - EuroMov Digital Health in Motion
- G-EAU - Water Management, Actors, Territories
- GM - Geosciences Montpellier
- HSM - Hydrosciences Montpellier
- IBMM - Max Mousseron Biomolecules Institute
- ICGM - Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux - Charles Gerhardt Institute Montpellier
- IHPE - Host-pathogen interactions Environments
- ICSM - Marcoule Institute of Separative Chemistry
- IDEDH - Institute for European Human Rights Law
- IEM - European Membrane Institute
- IES - Institute of Electronics and Systems
- IGF - Institute for Functional Genomics
- IGH - Institute of Human Genetics
- IGMM - Montpellier Institute of Molecular Genetics
- IHPE - Host-Pathogen Interactions Environments
- IMAG - Montpellier Alexander Grothendieck Institute
- INTERTRYP - Host-Vector-Parasite-Environment Interactions in Neglected Tropical Diseases Caused by Trypanosomatids
- IRCM - Montpellier Cancer Research Institute
- IRIM - Montpellier Infectious Diseases Research Institute
- IRMB - Stem cells, cellular plasticity, tissue regeneration and immunotherapy of inflammatory diseases
- ISEM - Institute of Evolution Sciences of Montpellier
- LDP - Private Law Laboratory
- L2C - Charles Coulomb Laboratory
- LBN - Bioengineering and Nanosciences Laboratory
- LEPSE - Laboratory of Ecophysiology of Plants under Environmental Stresses
- LGMR - Rare Disease Genetics Laboratory
- Li2D - Technological innovations for detection and diagnosis laboratory
- LIRMM - Montpellier Laboratory for Computer Science, Robotics and Microelectronics
- LISAH - Soil - Agrosystem - Hydrosystem Interaction Laboratory
- LMGC - Mechanics and Civil Engineering Laboratory
- LPHI - Laboratory of Pathogens and Host Immunity
- LPHI - Laboratory of Pathogenes Hosts Interactions
- LSTM - Laboratory of Tropical and Mediterranean Symbioses
- MARBEC - Marine Biodiversity, Exploitation and Conservation
- MIVEGEC - Infectious Diseases and Vectors: Ecology, Genetics, Evolution and Control
- MISTEA - Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics for the Environment and Agronomy
- MMDN - Molecular Mechanisms in Neurodegenerative Dementia
- MRM - Montpellier Management Research
- PCCI - Pathogenesis and control of chronic infections
- PHIM - Plant Health Institute of Montpellier
- PhyMedExp - Physiology and experimental medicine of the heart and muscles
- PSNREC - Neuropsychiatry: epidemiological and clinical research
- QUALISUD - An integrated approach to food quality
- SPO - Sciences for Oenology
- Sys2Diag
- TransVIHMI - Translational research on HIV and infectious diseases
- VBMI - Bacterial virulence and infectious diseases
The role of Mentor
1- Commit in helping one or two students to develop their academic and professional career through research
2- Provide students with complementary notions for acquiring knowledge in a specific discipline
3- Supervise a student’s 6-month internship, both in M1 and M2
4- Involve students in the life of the laboratory (seminars, research programs, team meetings, etc.).
Who are they?
Mentors are fellow researchers or teacher-researchers from IDIL's partner laboratories, specialized in one of the program's 10 disciplines.