Call for projects - Incubation IDIL 2025


This call for projects is aimed at all master's degree courses at the University of Montpellier that wish to embark on a process of "idilization", particularly in the case of the construction of the new training offer due to open in 2027.

This AAP is inspired by the DNA of the IDIL graduate program: offering training in English (Component no. 1) through "In-Lab" research (Component no. 2) with an opening towards interdisciplinarity (Component no. 3).

All teacher-researchers and researchers belonging to a structure within the scope of the I-SITE excellence project can apply for one or more components of this AAP.



- Boost the teaching staff's English skills
- Adjust teaching methods to English
- Translate teaching materials (REH)
- Improve the course's international visibility

Who is this part of the call for projects aimed at?

  • Master's course managers
  • Teachers
  • Teacher-researchers

Objective: Increase the international attractiveness of Master's courses by offering training at the University of Montpellier partly or entirely in English.

Actions :

  • Financing language training for teachers wishing to adapt their teaching language :
    • 1 to 1" distance learning course, adaptable to lecturers' schedules and designed to boost linguistic confidence.
      Duration: 20 hours
    • Cycle of UM training courses on pedagogical strategies for better teaching in a language you don't fully master (levels B1-B2 in English).
      Duration: 5 days (9 to 17h)
  • Recognition of time spent translating teaching materials into English using REH (1H of course translated = 1H REH).



  • Create immersive one- or two-day workshops in research laboratories
  • Pass on a specific method/technique for students

Who is this part of the call for projects aimed at?

  •  Masters course managers
  •  Teacher-researchers
  •  Researchers
  •  Engineers

Objective: To enable students in a given discipline to benefit from "flash" immersions in research laboratories. These one- or two-day immersions will take place "In-Lab ", with the most relevant equipment for the discipline concerned, and will take the form of workshops to introduce students to a concept, method or technique.

Researchers and teacher-researchers interested in setting up an In-Lab' training program in their laboratory must first contact the head of a master's program (IDIL or non-IDIL), whose students will follow the courses in the laboratory.

These In-Lab courses must be conducted in English, and will be offered not only to students in the Laureate program, but also to students in the IDIL graduate program.

Actions :

  • Coverage of In-Lab training-related operating costs for host laboratories (maximum €500).
  • Remuneration for hours spent on creation (20h REH) and 12 hours of teaching per year per In-Lab.



  • Introduce students to your discipline
  • Mobilize free and innovative teaching methods
  • Increase the visibility of your discipline

Who is this part of the call for projects aimed at?

  •  Teachers
  •  Teacher-researchers
  •  Researchers

Objective: Creation by teachers, lecturers or researchers of "Non-Core" teaching units. These TU courses, taught entirely in English, are designed for interdisciplinary students. Using innovative teaching methods, these TU Non-Core courses will be included in theTU catalog of interdisciplinary Non-Core courses in the IDIL graduate program.

Actions :

  • Personalized support from the IDIL team and its educational engineer for the design and creation of introductory courses in your discipline (TU Non-Core). This includes structuring content, integrating various methodologies and creating appropriate teaching materials.
  • Accessible promotion of the participating disciplines to a wide audience.
  • Financial support, REH remuneration for the creation and responsibility ofTU (20H REH for design).


The overall budget for the IDIL graduated program for this call is set at €200k. This will be divided between the 3 different sections presented.


According to the different sections of the call for projects, applicants must be :

  • Teacher
  • Teacher-researcher
  • Researcher
  • Engineer

Applicants must be part of a structure within the scope of the I-SITE excellence project.


Stages of the "IDIL Incubation" call for projects

  • Campaign opening: December 12, 2024
  • Application deadline: January 29, 2025
  • Notification of winning projects: March 2025
  • Preparation of lessons : From April 2025
  • Implementation for the 2025-2026 academic year

How to submit

To apply for one or more components of this call for projects, there are 2 submission methods:

(1) If you have an e-mail address pré, apply via the following link :

(2) If you do NOT have an e-mail address pré (including non-UM staff), please apply via the following link:

The form contains links to downloadable project sheets, which must be completed.

These can also be downloaded here, then submitted by filling in the form :

Before January 29, 2025, 6 pm CET.


Projects will be pre-selected at the level of the IDIL graduated program.

The final selection of projects will be made in agreement with the UFRs, schools and institutes.

Download the official document